Selection 7: Brave New World // Malky Bornfreund
Their daughter Brachah had gotten married that evening. It was a lovely celebration. Her husband, Gavriel—the quintessential master of ceremonies—had been in his element,...
Only a Bump // We immediately feared the worst
A mother is wired and tuned to detect red flags, latch onto them, and eradicate them with aggressive vigor. It is not for naught...
My Sister-In-Law is Ignoring Me // Is There Any Way to Make the Relationship...
In this column, we give you the opportunity to listen in on a discussion between Rabbi Shais Taub and a reader with a dilemma,...
Life After Lyme // It took years until I was diagnosed and a seeming...
My earliest memory is vividly imprinted in my mind. I see a younger version of myself curled up on the floor of the hallway...
It’s Just a Seat. Or Is It? // My daughter was forced to constantly...
When I sent my 13-year-old daughter off to summer camp for the first time, she went to a wonderful place. I had heard so...
It’s Just a Seat. Or Is It? // My daughter was forced to constantly...
When I sent my 13-year-old daughter off to summer camp for the first time, she went to a wonderful place. I had heard so...
Color My World // How color blindness makes my life different from yours
My sister and I spent the day browsing storefronts on the avenue and shopping for our little ones. “Can you do me a quick...
Picky Eating or Something More // The wisdom to know the difference
"Elisheva was a bright and happy child,” recalls her mother, Shelly. “She played and ran around and was like any other typical two-year-old, until...
Rude Awakening // I really wish they’d told me before
When I picked up the phone that morning, I had no idea that my life was about to change forever.
“Hi, Mommy!” I said...
My Daughter is Being Bullied // How far should we go to...
We live on a beautiful cul-de-sac with nice houses and manicured lawns. The people in the neighborhood give a tremendous amount of tzedakah and...