For many long decades, the West has pushed Israel to make peace with the Palestinians. But in pressuring them towards that peace, the West has willfully ignored the anti-Semitism and monetary incentives that the representatives of the Palestinians have put in place that have made peace impossible.
One of the most pernicious of the policies used by the Palestinian leadership has been the so-called pay-for-slay system, in which the Palestinian government pays the families of terrorists who have either been killed or imprisoned by Israel in the course of attempting to kill Israelis. The Palestinian Authority’s Martyrs Fund and related funds have shelled out millions of dollars’ worth of support to the families of terrorists for decades, a policy decision that should be clearly seen as support and advocacy for terrorism.
The West has been slow to recognize this, with a couple of countries, including the Netherlands and Australia, stopping their direct support of the Palestinian Authority in recent years because of it. The greatest step to oppose the Palestinian policy was taken by the US with the passage in 2018, under President Donald Trump, of the Taylor Force Act, named after an American citizen murdered in a Palestinian terrorist attack in 2016.
But the Palestinian Authority has not stopped its support for terror in the form of pay-for-slay. Can anything stop it?
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