Several years ago, 32-year-old Yisrael Gurt, cofounder of an IT startup that helps companies defend themselves against attacks on their third-party technologies, was named by Google as the 22nd best hacker in the world—despite the fact that the only formal education he ever received was in a chasidishe yeshivah
You certainly have a very interesting life story. Tell me how you first got involved in technology.
My first foray into technology was when I was about 12 years old. My father was the IT manager for the Ministry of Housing, and I wanted to understand what he was doing. So I read a book in Hebrew about programming that a childhood friend of mine told me about.
Did you know any English?
Not at the time. I speak English relatively well now, but I never learned it in school. The second language we learned in cheder was Yiddish. I grew up in Haifa, where I attended a chasidishe cheder. I’ve never gone to any secular schools.
So you never had any formal education in technology.