On the evening of Wednesday, June 22 (following a similar Yiddish-speaking event, which took place a night earlier), over 20,000 women gathered at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, with an overflow crowd enjoying a live hookup in a nearby hall. They were joining a monumental declaration of unity and kedushah. In total, almost 50,000 women and girls from all walks of life gathered to heed the call of our gedolim and declare that they were ready to “live higher.”
As a participant at the gathering, I arrived with curiosity and a small measure of skepticism. But like many others, I was moved by the tremendous energy and positivity that were generated.
As Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish from Eretz Yisrael, one of the keynote speakers, illustrated via demonstration, when it comes to our spiritual growth, the sky is the limit. She asked everyone in the audience—a 20,000-plus crowd—to raise our right arms as high as we could. Then she asked us to try to extend our arms just a bit higher.
“The first time you raised your arm, you picked it up as high as you thought it could go, but then you lifted it another inch or so. Because as high as you think you can reach, where spiritual growth is concerned, we can always stretch ourselves a bit more.”