How well off are you?
For the past couple of years, if someone referred to “the health of the Jewish community,” you would probably assume he was talking about physical health and infectious diseases. But the financial health of our communities is a timely issue as well, because our physical well-being is dependent in large part on how well we’re doing financially.
That is why the findings of a new survey, published in December by Nishma Research, are so fascinating. The survey looks at the fiscal health of American frum communities on an individual level. Without broader questions, we can only guess as to how they are truly faring.
The survey, which was carried out in two waves in November 2021, takes a dive into the dollars and cents of Jewish families, looking at everything from income and tuition to housing and food costs.
It also asked respondents for their advice to families who are dealing with financial difficulties, and compiled the responses as a community resource.