Tag: Thisweek
A Desperate Race Against Time // Jason Guberman is documenting...
Last Shul Standing
Tripoli, Libya. 2011.
A young reporter was doing a dangerous job, at a dangerous time, in a dangerous place. In an attempt to...
Falling Down & Getting Up // How Dovi Weinroth is coping...
When Dovi Weinroth’s well-known wife Chani was first diagnosed with cancer, she was just 25 years old and the mother of two toddlers and...
Loud Loutishness // Decibels aren’t arguments
Anyone with the unfortunate habit of listening to talk shows may have noticed the inverse relationship between loudness and logic. Or as Leonardo da...
Behind Bars // A day in the life of a prison...
Every Friday afternoon, Rabbi Yankee Raichik goes to jail. He drives to the LA County Jail Twin Towers in Downtown Los Angeles—the largest jail...
School Board Scuffles // A consummate mentch is maligned
During the public comment portion of an October 27 meeting of the suburban Phoenix Chandler Unified School District board, a woman identifying herself as...
Ever since I can remember I’ve had a desire to see the world. When I first started traveling ten years ago, I thought I...
Tony Baloney // Fauci faces a fusillade
“After prosecution, the chair, the gallows, or lethal injection?” was the question posed on a Facebook page featuring an image of National Institute of...
The Fight for the Garden State // New Jersey Governor’s Race...
With early voting set to begin in a matter of days, incumbent Governor Phil Murphy is leading by up to 9% in most polls,...
Harley Lippman // Genesis10
People often think that for many successful entrepreneurs, the path to success is linear—some guys simply have the “it” factor and success comes easily....
Q&A with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki // On the...
Every White House press secretary, at least the six I’ve had the pleasure of working with, has left their mark on the position in...