Know Them by Their Mannequins // The World could use a Reality Check

Was “Hitler 2” destroyed during the current war in Gaza? There are unverified reports that it is no more. What is—or was—it, you ask? Oh,...

A Profile in Courage // Bronx Congressman Ritchie Torres’ unwavering friendship with the Jewish...

Of all the politicians in the Democratic Party, Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) has probably been the most outstanding in his consistent defense of Israel,...

Barry Rosen // Taken Hostage During the Iranian Hostage Crisis, He’s Telling His Story—And...

Barry Rosen was sitting in a small, dark room, not knowing where he was, what time it might have been—or if he was ever...

Hershel Klein // Klein’s Naturals

What’s behind a brand? Who is behind a brand? We often think of brands, especially well-known ones, as corporate identities—a name, nothing more. But it...

The New Third Reich // Some “dumb ideas” are truly dumb

Few things could better illustrate what the Gemara (Eruvin 53b) teaches us about the little boy and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah—how a short road...

Defending Israel On & Off the Airwaves // A conversation with Jonathan Conricus, former...

In the midst of the firestorm of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda that has spread throughout the media, official spokespeople for the Israeli government have...

Going to Bat for Israel in South Africa // A conversation with Chief Dr....

Supporters of Hamas’ terrorism have been using every venue they can to harm Israel, including international courts. That impulse lay behind South Africa’s recent...

Avi Kamionski // Nathan & Kamionski LLP, Pointed Discovery LLC

Imagine running a business with over 100 employees and it’s not your “main” job. Enter Avi Kamionski. Avi is a well-known litigation lawyer who...

An Ugly Law of Human Nature // There’s something significant to glean from Jew-hatred

Some decades ago, when I was in my 20s, I published a book of short essays. The lead piece was titled “The Beauty of...

Rav Matisyahu Chaim Salomon, zt”l // The Life and Lessons of the Revered Mashgiach...

For over 50 years, Rav Matisyahu Salomon inspired thousands of Yidden around the world through his many shmuessen and vaadim, his personal guidance, and...