The Keys to Success In the Chinuch of Banos // ...
Thirteen years ago, when Rabbi Yisroel Levin first assumed his position as head of the massive Machon Bais Yaakov Lemorot—or the Seminar HaYashan, as...
Al Jazeera: Terror Backers Disguised as Journalists // What exactly is...
Qatar’s Role
he Al Jazeera Media Network was established in 1996 by the emir of Qatar and has its headquarters in the Qatari capital of...
Mark (Chaim) Casey // House of AMZ
ccording to online statistics, 92% of those who have ever bought anything online have purchased an item from Amazon. While it might be interesting...
The “Zionists” at The Times // Al Jazeera stews at accurate...
For once, something positive about Israel has been served up by The New York Times, albeit unintentionally. What’s more, Al Jazeera spoke the truth.
From a Startup Nation to a Nation at War // ...
Edouard Cukierman, born in Paris, France, in 1965, is the founder of Catalyst Investments and chairman of the Cukierman & Co. Investment House,...
The New Chief Rabbi // In a tumultuous time, Rabbi Kalman...
Rabbi Kalman Ber, Israel’s newly elected Ashkenazi chief rabbi, may appear a contradictory choice at first glance. Yet, his seemingly paradoxical identity reflects both...
Jimmy Carter & the Jews // The former president’s hostility was...
When Jimmy Carter—who passed away on Sunday—first ran for president in 1976, he made all the usual statements affirming his support for Israel. The...
Shut Down! // Palestinian provocateurs are shown the door
What’s been impossible to ignore about so many of the campus demonstrations we’ve seen over the past many months is how they seem less...
The State of Jewish Life in London and Beyond // A...
The Stamford Hill neighborhood of London is one of the most significant Jewish centers in all of Europe. It is in this vibrant community...
The Largest Menorah Collection in the World // Professor Yosef Shabtai’s...
If you visit the Bukharan Quarter of Yerushalayim, you will pass by a store with a standard tin sign indicating that it is a...
Greg (Gavriel) Sofiev // Leviev Diamonds
Leviev: A name that resonates with excellence on multiple fronts. For some, it symbolizes unparalleled philanthropy, marked by the establishment of hundreds of schools...
The Latest Academic Absurdity // Eggheads throw a hissy fit
An “egregious threat to bedrock principles of academic freedom.”
Now, what do you think evoked that charge? The kidnapping and gagging of a professor? No,...
Making Sense of These Crazy Times // A conversation with former...
Robert Charles O’Brien Jr. (born June 18, 1966) served as the 27th United States national security adviser from 2019 to 2021. He was the...
In Their Own Tongue // Dr. Edy Cohen’s defense of...
His tweets pull no punches; he tells it to his more than 800,000 Arab followers as it is, without the usual spin they’re accustomed...
Eli Weiss // Joy Construction
When people speak about the “American Dream,” stories like Eli Weiss’ are precisely what they have in mind. A first-generation American, Eli is now...
Lapse… or Relapse? // Vexing signs visible at the Vatican
The quest to “defeat…the spirit of evil that foments war, because it is murderous from the beginning and a liar and the father of...
Terror in Melbourne // Jewish resolve unshaken after an arson attack...
The Australian Jewish community was shocked by a brazen arson attack on the country’s most active Orthodox shul, Adass Yisrael, early Friday morning, an...
Terror in Melbourne // The view from Sydney
aking up last Friday morning to the news that a shul in Melbourne had been firebombed felt like waking up to bushfires raging out...
Eli Basch // Founder & Creative Director, day3
Several months ago, I had the opportunity to speak to Eli Basch, founder of day3, as part of a business panel featured here in...
Pro-Choice // A new crack may be opening in an imaginary...
It wasn’t very long ago that the idea of government funds helping parents who choose private religious schools for their children was anathema.
It was...