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American Jewish Leaders Go to Israel // Am Echad Mission educates...

The recent Am Echad two-day mission to Eretz Yisrael that took place in Jerusalem on February 26-27 was coordinated by Agudath Israel of America....

A Polite Civil War // Iran will do what’s in its...

There was a funny story recently about an Iranian military officer who claimed to have caught lizards that were trained to spy on Iran’s...


It is with great sadness that we note the passing of the great gaon and tzaddik Rav Shmuel Auerbach, zt”l, the late rosh yeshivah...

Undercover with Extremists // Israeli reporter Zvi Yehezkeli posed as an...

Paris is a city comprised of neighborhoods, known as arrondissements, which are numbered in an unusual spiral pattern beginning in the historic center of the...

A Jewish Gathering in Mexico // A conversation with Rav Yehoshua...

Please tell me about the event that’s taking place this week in Mexico, with the gathering of roshei yeshivos and rabbanim from around the...

The Megillah of Survival // The legacy of a Purim...

There are plenty of beautiful megillahs that you’ll see on Purim, some illustrated, some with clear large letters, some laid out strikingly on the...

The Jewish Prince of Persia // The Amazing Saga of a...

On the night of Purim, when the baal keriah joyfully reads the Megillah that relates the ancient story of the Persian ruler who reigned...

Hiding Under Hate // Pinchas Rosenbaum masqueraded as a Nazi ...

The young Pinchas Rosenbaum had an array of disguises. He could appear as a German SS officer, a soldier in the Hungarian Arrow Cross...

Should Standing by be a Crime? // Prof. Amos Guiora is...

Someone had informed on them. The girl and her mother had been in hiding, in an attic in Budapest. Every day, an elderly Catholic woman...

Returning to Radin // The Chofetz Chaim’s yeshivah will become...

There are few gedolim like the Chofetz Chaim (1838-1933), whose influence can be only partly measured by the ubiquity of both his sefarim and...