Is There Any Future for Jews in the Labour Party?

The politics of the left in Britain have gone off the deep end over the past year, particularly for Jews. What is somewhat odd about this is that not so very long ago, the fight for top dog in the Labour Party was waged by two Jewish brothers, the Miliband boys. And for years, Jews had flocked to Labour because its social policies appealed to the more liberal-minded members of Jewish society.

The recent decision by Labour to suspend former London mayor and MP Ken Livingstone from running for office for a year—a decision that apparently left him free to vote and otherwise serve as a member—rather than expel him for anti-Semitic comments seemed like a fairly clear sign that Jewish concerns were, to put it mildly, not a priority for the party. And the chorus of Jewish Labour members expressing disgust with their own party, as well as the agreement of non-Jewish figures like Deputy Leader Tom Watson that the party had failed the Jewish community, only made that clearer.

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